Monday, June 27, 2011

11 Months Old!

Dear James,

You are 11 months old and busy doing new things every day.  This has been a very exciting month as you have reached some big milestones!  Just when I was sure you were never going to crawl and were going to go straight to walking... you took off.  Well... a more accurate description would be two weeks of rocking back and forth on your knees in extreme frustration and crying while you tried to figure it out.  Honestly, this has become one of the biggest challenges for me as a parent because I want so badly to do things for you so that you don't become frustrated and you just have to figure them out on your own.  And so far you have done amazingly well and all in your own timing.  Here are a few of the things you have been up to most recently:

- Crawling... everywhere and the same week you started crawling you also started pulling yourself up on things and walking around!
- Trying to say words... you chit chat all day long!  You are very close to saying ball, but not quite there yet.  We are working on it!
- Eating more table foods.  You like peanut butter and jelly, pasta with tomato basil sauce, toast, bananas, yogurt and cheese.  You are not so fond of fruits unless they are pureed.  I have tried giving your strawberries, blueberries and watermelon and you take one bite and look at me like I am crazy.
- Drinking whole milk!  You officially gave up formula without a fuss and are happily sucking down 4-5 bottles of warm milk a day.
- You are interested in toys that you have to figure out... like stacking rings, shape sorters and lift the flap books.  You also like the simple pleasures like unrolling the toilet paper and tearing it into shreds!  You are very busy and I can no longer take me eyes off of your for more than a few seconds.  You keep me in shape!
- You are still wearing 12-18 and some 18-24 month clothes.  You seem to be slowing down just a wee bit in growth!
- You have become a snuggler, which I love!  At night when I am putting you to bed you often push your bottle out of your mouth, let out a sigh and snuggle up close for a rock before I put you in your crib.  There is no better time in my day than those sweet moments!

You are becoming such a little person.  It is so much fun to watch you grow and discover new things every day!

My prayer for you today and always is that you will grow to be strong in the LORD.  I pray that you will know Him from a young age and that you will faithfully serve Him for all of your days.  I know God has big plans for your life and I am humbled that He has chosen me to aid you in that journey.  You are the sweetest little angel and I love you more than you can possibly ever know.

And the boy grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
                                                                                                                                               ~Luke 2:40

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day... and other fun!

It has become something of a tradition in our family over the past few years to attend the annual Memorial Day Parade in Sewickley.  The kids get all decked out in their red, white and blue, eager to stake our their place on the curb to watch the stream of fire trucks, soldiers in uniform, marching bands and kilt clad bag pipers moving past.  It's always a good time!

Last year the babe was in the belly...

 What a difference a year makes!

He had a much better vantage point this year!  James was positively gleeful watching the fire trucks go by and he especially enjoyed the unicycles and the sweet dogs from the Humane Society.  It was so much fun to share this tradition with him!  He posed for a photo with Chloe...

Later we went to my sisters to help her plant her flowers.  He sat on a blanket in her front yard and played with his toys for two hours.  He is the sweetest little guy.  I am truly blessed!

This week has been a scorcher and we have all been doing our best to keep cool.  While I have been busy scurrying around planting flowers and trying to keep them watered... James has been chilling in his new pool.  This was five bucks well spent!

These are the joys that fill my days and my heart to overflowing.  Summer... here we come!