Tuesday, June 12, 2012

First Days

Life has been very busy since Ethan arrived.  We are adjusting to little sleep, loud cries and two year old temper tantrums.  It has been tiring to say the least!  But there have been just as many sweet moments and I know this time will pass all too soon.  His newborn clothes are already getting tight!  I have had lots and lots of help, which has been a huge blessing!  I am forever grateful to our families and friends who have brought meals, held the baby, taken James on outings and kept him occupied so I could rest.  This has truly been such an enjoyable time for our family and I will remember it fondly.

These first days are fleeting.  Ethan is changing so quickly and I am trying to capture the moments...

The first time Nana and Aunt Lala saw him...

My first time holding him... it was love at first sight.

Big brother Drew...


Aunt Heather...



And big brother James...

We came home on Tuesday, May 22nd, which was my due date.  It was wonderful to be home!  James is adjusting well and he really loves Ethan.  One of our first mornings home I came across this scene on the couch in our family room.

He had climbed up to see what his little brother was doing.  Then he decided to give him a kiss.

How sweet is that?  He is always wanting to give Ethan kisses and hugs.  He likes to help me feed him a bottle and burp him after he eats.  He often pushes my hand out of the way so he can do the patting.  It's too cute!  He is a little rough, so I have to keep my eyes on him at all times.  But I am trying to be very encouraging so as not to discourage his love for his brother.  These are two best buds in the making!

Life is busy, but it is so wonderful to have our sweet little guy with us.  We praise God for the gift that he is in our lives.  We love you Ethan!

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