Saturday, July 28, 2012

Two Months Old!

Dear Ethan,

You are two months old sweet boy!  I am falling in love with you more each day!  Since you were born life has been eventful!  You are quite a sensitive little baby and we have been working through some of your issues.  Poor little buddy... after several weeks of fussiness our pediatrician diagnosed you with reflux.  Now that we have you on a little zantac you are much more content!  You are cooing and smiling all the time and absolutely love to be held... all the time:)  You are coming into your own and quickly catching up to your brother in size, though you are not nearly as big.  Here is James in the same outfit at two months.

You weighed 11 pounds and 13 ounces at your two month well check putting you in the 66th percentile for weight.  You are wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers.  You are eating 4-5 ounces at each feeding and like to eat every 3-4 hours.  You are a spitter!  Good thing I made those burp cloths because we use them constantly!  You are still sleeping in the swing quite a bit.  I am trying to transition you to your crib and some days you do great... others not so much.  I know you will get it eventually though.  You are becoming a much better car traveler... phew... since we have a twelve hour drive to the beach coming up next month!  

You have the most beautiful big blue eyes just like your brother.  And I absolutely love your hair!  It parts way over on the side and gives you the look of a old man with a comb over.  It is seriously darling!  Though we might not say the same thing as you get older!

Your brothers love you so much!  Every time I put you down on the couch I see James come running over and jump up beside you so that he can give you a kiss... or play the drums for you...

You are one sweet little guy.  I cherish the moments when I get to just hold you and you look straight into my eyes and there is nothing there but pure, genuine, uncomplicated love.  

We praise God for the way he has made our lives richer and more full of joy because of you.  

Love to you always,

And the child grew and became strong;  he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
                                                                                                                            ~Luke 2:40

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