Friday, September 21, 2012

Four Months Old!

An Ethan Prayer

Your love, God, is my song, and I'll sing it!
I'm forever telling everyone how faithful you are.
I'll never quit telling the story of your love - how you built the cosmos and everything in it.
Your love has always been our lives' foundation, your fidelity has been the roof over our world.

Psalm 89:1-2
The Message

Dear Ethan,

You are four months old and I want to share with you the reason we chose your name.  Ethan has always been a favorite of mine, but when we found out you were a boy and I came to learn the meaning, I began praying and God made it certain to me that this was the name He had already chosen for you.  In Hebrew it means strong and firm.  Ethan was thought to be a top musician in King David's court.  He is credited as having written Psalm 89.  

I remember the exact moment we found out you were a boy.  I had such strong emotions that day and as I prayed over the next several days about the precious life you would become, I felt God speak over my heart.  He told me that He has big plans for you and that He was going to do something beyond our wildest imaginings in your life.   I began praying Psalm 89:1-2 for you and this continues to be my prayer for you today and always... that you will know God's great love and you will sing it!  I pray that you will be a strong and faithful warrior for His Kingdom and that you will share His love with everyone around you.   

You are so precious to us.  I think you look like a little angel.

This month you have reached a few milestones.  You went to the doctor for your four month well check and weighed in at a wopping 16 pounds and 11 ounces (90th percentile) and your height was 25 inches (70th percentile).  You gained almost six pounds and grew 2 1/4 inches in two months!  In Dr. Butler's words, "That is a very healthy growth spurt!"  We love every inch of your chub and especially those juicy thighs! 

You made the transition this past month from sleeping in the swing to sleeping in your crib.  Hurray!  But we did backslide a bit this past week after having four shots and the sniffles simultaneously.  You have been taking naps in the swing again and sleep for about an hour each morning and a good 3-4 in the afternoon as opposed to the 45 minute cat naps you were taking in your crib.  I decided to concede on this point because you need your sleep and mama needs a break!  We will transition over to the crib full time when you turn six months. 

You are eating anywhere between 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours and still get up once or twice a night.  You go to bed around 7 and usually sleep until 6 or 7 the next morning.  You are still in size 2 diapers, but we will switch over to 3's once we finish our last box of 2's and you are wearing 3-6 month clothes.    You are still spitting up and we plan to start some solid foods later this month in hopes that will curb some of the reflux.  

You love to sit up and see the world... not on your own of course, but in the stroller, the Bumbo, a chair or your walker.  I got the walker out of the attic the other day and you look absolutely adorable in it with your legs dangling out he bottom and your little head darting around!

Guess who else loves the walker?

I keep finding him in there scooting himself around the first floor!

You started going in the nursery at church and attending BSF and you are doing so well!  We only had tears once and that was because we were dangerously close to bedtime.  You fell asleep as soon as I put you in the car.  Speaking of the car... dare I say you are doing better with riding?  We have only had screaming a few times in the past two weeks.  This is huge and we hope the trend continues!  

You are very passionate and we love that about you!  You are never afraid to let us know just exactly how you feel and loudly!  You love the sound of your own voice and lately we have been waking to you squealing with delight in your room.  When we go in to get you we are always met with a big grin!  While you smile quite a bit there are definitely some moments throughout the day when you are not pleased and you tell us.

You can scream like nobodies business!

You have not rolled over yet, but if you are anything like your brother in this category it won't be happening for a while!  You do love the happy baby pose and anytime you are on your back you love to hold your feet and sing.  It is very sweet!  You still sit in the bouncer, but it's not your favorite anymore.  You really prefer to be upright in the walker or a chair.  You love bath time and singing and this always calms you down when you are upset.  You also love to suck the first two fingers on your right hand.  You always manage to wiggle your hands to the top of your swaddle when you are sleeping so you can suck on them.  We would love it if you take to those rather than the passie! 

You are the sweetest baby and we can't wait to see more of your personality emerge as you continue to grow and develop.  I always say this to James and I want to say it to you too.  You are a joy and a blessing in our lives and we are so thankful for you.  We love you!

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