Tuesday, January 17, 2012

18 Months Old!

Dear James,

Yesterday you turned 18 months old.  Wow!  How did we get here already?  You are such a big boy... learning new things every day and surprising us with all you can do.  You have such a personality and you make me laugh and smile all the time.  You are a sweet little guy and truly a joy to be around!   We have our days, but you are a genuinely content and happy boy.  This is what you have been up to...

  • At last check up you were 29 lbs and 32 inches, which is the 90th percentile for both weight and height!
  • You are wearing 18-24 month clothes and some 2T's
  • You take one nap a day usually from 1-4
  • You sleep 10-12 hours at night.  Typically you go to be around 7:30 and wake up between 7-8
  • You have lots of hair that grows quickly and we usually have to have it cut once a month!
  • You are a very good eater!  Typically breakfast consists of half a banana, a handful of Cheerios and a scrambled egg.  Lunch is a peanut butter and jelly on wheat or homemade mac n cheese with a yogurt and sometimes a vegetable.  Dinner is two chicken nuggets or a turkey dog, green beans or corn and some sort of fruit.  Right now you love Dole fruit cups either pears or peaches.  You also like pasta with red sauce and pizzas made from english muffins.  Snacks are usually graham crackers or goldfish.  
  • You still like your warm milk bottles, but have recently started to drink a lot more water.  You especially like to drink it out of a water bottle.
  • You still love your pacifier and lovie and need those to go to sleep.  We are trying to wean you off the passie, but it is slow going!
  • You talk all day long, but much of it is still hard to understand.  You are trying so hard to say words and get frustrated when we don't understand you.  I especially love when you try to say cock a doodle doo.  It is so cute!  I  can't stand it!
  • You still love to read books.  Your favorites right now are Little Blue Truck, Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, Tumble Bumble and Dear Zoo.

There is so much about this time that I am loving.  I don't want it to go so quickly!  In a few months we will be welcoming your sweet little brother into our family and life will be different.  While I look forward to that time with excitement, I am also soaking up these last few months of just me and you.  These are precious days and I don't take them for granted.  You are my angel boy and I love you more than you will ever know.


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